Designing the municipal mobility system – phase 3

In the face of ongoing urbanization and the associated increase in traffic in cities, Offenbach am Main is also facing the challenge of ensuring an efficient and environmentally friendly mobility system. As part of the “InterMoDe” research project, the City of Offenbach’s Urban Planning Department and the OIMD are working together to develop, test and trial new forms of control, planning and design for a municipal, intermodally usable and environmentally friendly mobility system. A user-centered perspective is crucial, from which not only instrumental but also socio-emotional factors of the mobility experience are considered. Innovative analysis and participation methods for determining these factors are therefore an important part of the project. This includes the development of future scenarios and their testing in virtual reality environments. These are incorporated into the development of a future vision for 2045 that anticipates future developments.

In the final third phase of the project, a future vision for 2045 will be developed that is tailored to the concept. In addition, an urban mobility management system is to be established and a GIS-based systematic control instrument (demand potential at intermodal connection points) is to be expanded. In this context, the transport system database will be conceptually developed into a mobility portal. The work of the research project will be linked to the planning The project is supported by a communication campaign in which the future scenarios developed and tested in VR simulations play a central role. The VR testing (real-world laboratories) also makes it possible to address different population groups and involve them in the development process through the mediation of civil society partners.

Type of project • Research project
Lead • Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler, Prof. Peter Eckart
Team • Dipl.-Des. Heike Andersen, Dipl.-Des. Andreas Grzesiek, Dipl.-Des. Amelie Ikas, Dipl.-Des. Julian Schwarze, Dipl.-Des. Anton Viehl
Status • ongoing
Duration • 09/2024 – 08/2026
Cooperation • Stadt Offenbach, Amt für Stadtplanung, Verkehrs- und Baumanagement, Yvonne Gerdts, Dr. Andreas Blitz, Dipl.-Soz. Hanna Bader
Funding • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Förderlinie “MobilitätsWerkStadt 2025”)


Publications about the project

Peter Eckart

Einmal Mittelmeer, bitte

In: Urban Shorts. Das Metropole Magazin

Press about the project

Offenbach Post online

Wie Design-Ideen Offenbachs Nahverkehr neu denken

Hochschule für Gestaltung und Stadt Offenbach basteln an der Mobilität der Zukunft. Die Partner setzen auf Austausch, Partizipation - und Virtual Reality

Offenbach Post

Offenbach soll Deutschlands Modellstadt für die Verkehrswende werden

Frankfurter Rundschau

Offenbach: Modellstadt für die Verkehrswende

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Klimagerechter Verkehr: Offenbach wird Modellstadt

Wie sieht die Mobilität der Zukunft aus und welche Rolle spielt Design dabei? Interview mit Peter Eckart und Kai Vöckler



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