(c) Julian Schwarze

Mobility Design Vol. 1 is out!


It’s here! Peter Eckart, Kai Vöckler and Heike Andersen unpack the first volume of the “Mobility Design – Shaping future mobility” series published by Jovis Verlag!

There are already concepts and realized infrastructure projects that make the future of sustainable and networked mobility tangible in an exemplary way. Peter Eckart and Kai Vöckler present more than 60 internationally pioneering projects from the fields of design, architecture and urban planning, with photos, plan drawings and short texts. The book has been published in German and English and is now available from the publisher and in bookshops. This first volume, which focuses on practice, marks the start of the Offenbach series of publications on mobility design, which will be continued next spring with a second volume focusing on research.

Concept and introductions: Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler and Prof. Peter Eckart
Research and editing: Heike Andersen
Project texts: Christian Holl, frei04 publizistik
Graphic concept: Catalogtree


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