Hypermotion 2021 Podiumsdiskussion

“The Future of the City” at the Hypermotion


In autumn 2021, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra Schäfer from the Frankfurt University of Applied Science and Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler from the HfG Offenbach took part in a panel discussion at the Hypermotion trade fair. Together with Dr. Denis Petri, Dr. Stefan Carsten and Prof. Dr. Andreas Knie, they discussed the future of the city. Those who were unable to attend now have the opportunity to watch the recording of the event “The future of the city – rethinking urban space” in English translation.

The participants:
Prof. Dr. Petra Schäfer (Professor of Transport Planning at Frankfurt UAS
Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler (Professor of Urban Design at the HfG Offenbach)
Dr. Denis Petri (“Changing Cities”)
Dr. Stefan Carsten (futurologist and urban geographer)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Knie (Head of the Digital Mobility Research Group at the Social Science Research Center Berlin)


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