VDID future affairs

VDID discussion event


On February 3, 2022 at 6:30 pm, the online event “Mobility – Shaping solutions together” will take place as part of the “future affairs” lecture series of the Association of German Industrial Designers (VDID). Perspectives from research and design will be discussed by four experts from the fields of mobility, design and social research.

Together we must find solutions for our mobile future and work in an interdisciplinary way. The design of sustainable mobility solutions seems to play a key role in our future. Individual or public? How does the networking of urban and rural areas work? How do we want to and should we travel in the future?

In discussion:
Weert Canzler (Berlin Science Center),
Alexander Forst (CANYON BICYCLES),
Dr. Karena Kalmbach (Futurium)
Prof. Johann Tomforde (teamobility)

Co-moderator of the event is our research assistant Julian Schwarze.
Free registration is possible via mail@vdid.de.

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