Visualization and communication of innovative vehicle concepts


Communicating visionary ideas requires not only the vision itself, but also effective design methods and communication strategies that address relevant target groups and communicate a vision of future mobility. Our recently launched research project “VisKom” is therefore looking at the potential of “images of the future” to promote technical innovations: how can innovative vehicle and mobility concepts be translated into innovative forms of communication that appeal to a broad audience using various design, prototyping and visualization methods? The aim is to develop transferable methods with which future images of a mobility system can be communicated on the basis of a technological innovation, which broaden the horizon of imagination and can serve as a driving force for future developments.

The investigation is based on the example of a system for power transmission and wheel suspension developed by Traction-X GbR, which offers high innovation potential for sustainable inner-city traffic.

The project (HA project no. 149/22) is funded by the state of Hesse and HOLM funding as part of the “Innovations in Logistics and Mobility” measure of the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing.


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