Cognition Design

User Survey with Virtual Reality Simulation for Acceptance Improvement

Future mobility needs design. The change or new planning of infrastructure usually extends over long periods of time. In order to integrate future users into development processes as early as possible, new forms of representation are needed that can incorporate the relationship between space, lighting, movement and information. Therefore, Peter Eckart and Kai Vöckler set up a research collaboration with Melissa Le-Hoa Vo (Goethe University Frankfurt). Together with cognitive psychologist and her team, they have explored the possible applications of virtual reality in design and planning processes in the field of mobility. The project (HA project no. 817/19-137) was funded by the State of Hessen and HOLM research promotion under the measure “Innovations in the field of logistics and mobility” of the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing.

Type of project • Research project
Lead • Prof. Peter Eckart, Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler, Dipl.-Des. Julian Schwarze
Team • Dipl.-Des. Kai Dreyer, Dipl.-Des. Ken Rodenwaldt, Dipl.-Des. Robin Schmid, Luke Handon, Annika Storch
Status • completed
Duration • 11/2019 – 10/2020
Cooperation • Prof. Dr. Melissa Vo, Dr. Stephen Hinde, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt mit Team: Dr. Erwan David, M.Sc. Julia Beitner, Jason Helbig, Leah Kumle, Leila Zacharias, Theresa Schnorbach
Funding • Hessische Innovationsförderung/House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Wohnen


Publications about the project

Julian Schwarze, Kai Vöckler, Stephen Hinde, Erwan David, Melissa Le-Hoa Vo, Peter Eckart

Virtual Reality in Mobility Design: Experimental Research on the Application of VR Simulations

In: K. Vöckler, P. Eckart, M. Knöll, M. Lanzendorf (ed.): Mobility Design - Shaping Future Mobility, Vol. 2: Research, Berlin 2023, pp. 198-214

Julian Schwarze, Stephen Hinde, Erwan David, Melissa Le-Hoa Võ, Peter Eckart, Kai Vöckler

Cognition Design. Forschung zum Einsatz von VR-Simulationen in Planungs- und Gestaltungsprozessen

In: H. Proff (ed): Transforming Mobility – What Next?. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-36430-4_18

Julian Schwarze

Cognition Design: Forschung zum Einsatz von VR-Simulationen in Planungs- und Gestaltungsprozessen

Jahrbuch Digital Design, S. 67-73



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