Station of the Future – Offenbach Marktplatz S-Bahn-Station

Design and concept study for the suburban train station Offenbach Marktplatz

Deutsche Bahn’s (DB) innovation project “Station of the Future” aims to make passengers and station visitors’ time at the station as pleasant as possible. New ideas in various areas and services are to be tested, taking into account various aspects such as green electricity or WLAN. Among the 16 stations selected is the suburban train station Offenbach Marktplatz.

A seven-member team from HfG Offenbach has analyzed the Offenbach Marktplatz station and drawn up concepts with proposed changes. The aim was to make the station brighter, friendlier and livelier. Starting with the location and mobility services around the station, areas, zones, elements and the flow of people were examined, among other things. The focus was on questions such as “Where do people spend more time within the station?”, “Where do they walk along?”, “Which areas are avoided?” and “Which elements are outdated and can be refurbished or even banned?”.

Finally, surfaces, materials, shapes and colours were examined. Based on the results, the team developed strategies and concepts that set essential impulses for the renewal of the station. Deutsche Bahn (DB) took up some of these proposals and is testing them together with ideas from other partners.

Type of project • Applied project
Lead   Prof. Peter Eckart, Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler, Dipl.-Des. Julian Schwarze
Team Dipl.-Des. Mervyn Bienek, Dipl.-Des. Kai Dreyer, Dipl.-Des. Anna-Lena Moeckl, Luke Handon
Status • completed
Duration • 07/2019 – 09/2019
Cooperation and Funding • Deutsche Bahn (DB) Station und Service


Publications about the project

Anna-Lena Moeckl, Julian Schwarze, Peter Eckart, Kai Vöckler

Practice-Led Design Research (I): Configuring Transit Settings in Public Transportation

In: K. Vöckler, P. Eckart, M. Knöll, M. Lanzendorf (Hg.): Mobility Design - Shaping Future Mobiliy, Vol. 2: Research, Berlin 2023, pp. 108-119

Press about the project

DB Regio – regiosignale Blog

Wenn man sieht, dass die Zeit zu knapp ist, rennt man gar nicht erst los!

Interview mit Julian Schwarze

Offenbach Post

Heller und übersichtlicher

Frankfurter Rundschau

Offenbach: Bahn investiert 800.000 Euro in die S-Bahn-Station Marktplatz

Offenbach Post

S-Bahn-Station ist für die Bahn jetzt ein großer Zukunftsversuch


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