Train Station of the Future

Future Train Stations as the core of multimodal mobility platforms in municipalities: Developing a catalogue of measures

On behalf of the German Centre for Rail Traffic Research at the Federal Railway Authority, the project participants are developing a catalogue of measures with recommendations for further development of the train station as the core of multimodal mobility platforms in municipalities. This catalogue is intended to serve as a basis and concrete decision-making aid in the design and evaluation of future train station projects in Germany. The OIMD will take on the task of developing design guidelines for the catalogue of measures. In a virtual walk-through station, experiences of changing from one train to another are created and design measures are tested.

The project is led by the Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE) GmbH in Frankfurt.

Type of project • Applied Project
General lead • Dr. Jutta Deffner, ISOE – Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung
Lead • Prof. Peter Eckart, Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler
Team • Dipl.-Des. Annika Storch, Dipl.-Des. Julian Schwarze
Status • ongoing
Duration • 03/2022 – 02/2025
Cooperation • ISOE – Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH; Nuts One GmbH; Gateways B.V. (Ltd.); Aproxima Gesellschaft für Markt- und Sozialforschung Weimar mbH
Funding • German Centre for Rail Traffic Research at the Federal Railway Authority




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