VAIRplay Sports and Cultural Park

Under the project name VAIRplay, the non-profit association VAIR e.V. wants to develop a public space that will enable more community spirit. An inclusive sports park is to be created under the Kaiserlei Bridge, below the A661 Highway: The first public sports and cultural park in Offenbach! A place for more togetherness, a space for sporting activities and recreation, but also for cultural events. The aim is to connect people through sport, exercise and culture.

Sports parks are not only places for physical activities or social interaction, but also a visual attraction – the tricks performed by skaters in particular fascinate many people. VAIR e. V. asked Kai Vöckler, professor for Urban Design at the HfG Offenbach, to develop concepts for this sports and cultural park with the students and to create designs. They show how an innovatively designed public space can be created under a highway bridge.

In the meantime, a feasibility study has been commissioned. The concept has already convinced the jury of the Future Prize of the Great Frankfurt Arch: VAIR e.V. received the GFB Future Prize 2024 for it, worth €25,000.

Type of Project • Student project
Supervisors • Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler, Dipl.-Des. Annika Storch, Dipl.-Des. Maziar Rastegar (VAIR e.V.)
Participants • Till Eser, Emma Kottwitz, Sophie Körbler, Daniel Wolff-Franke, Ron Behringer, Amelie Mattas, Jannis Eickert, Buddhas Braun, Ron Behringer
Status • completed (concept)
Duration • 04/2023 – 07/2023
Cooperation • VAIR e.V.


Press about the project


Sport, Spiel und Skaten unter Autobahnbrücke

Idee von Offenbacher HfG-Studenten


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»Vairplay« Entwürfe für einen inklusiven Sport- und Kulturpark

Stadt Offenbach

Skaterpark und High-Line im Rathaus-Pavillon


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