At this year’s Innovation Fair at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), Andreas Grzesiek and Ken Rodenwaldt presented the results of our two HOLM projects. The “EmotDes” project focused on emotions while waiting in an S-Bahn station and the question of what influence design has on this. The “AI Trust” project dealt with the question of whether the design of the interaction between humans and AI can strengthen trust in autonomous vehicles. Working with virtual reality simulations played a major role in both projects. Following the presentations, there was a lot of interest and exciting discussions!
Both projects (HA project no.: 1015/21-17 and 1014/21-16) were funded by the state of Hesse and HOLM funding as part of the “Innovations in the field of logistics and mobility” measure of the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing.