The development of an overarching design concept for integrating intermodal mobility into the communal transport system
The creation and maintenance of an efficient and environmentally friendly mobility system is a central future task for urban centres. It is essential to reduce individual car traffic and the resulting environmental pollution in favor of environmentally friendly, multimodal mobility. Accordingly, an intermodal mobility system must be strengthened, i.e. a transport system that creates efficient, attractive and environmentally friendly solutions for individual mobility needs through barrier-free combination of walking, cycling, public transport and cars (sharing). This is countered by fragmented, often inflexible public transport and barely integrated cycling and walking. Mobility services provided privately are still insufficiently integrated.
On the communal side, this requires the development of new forms of control and planning, the communication of the importance of environmentally friendly, intermodal mobility to urban society and, in particular, a systemic analysis and design of the intermodal mobility system involving private providers as well as users.
Type of project • Research project
General management • Stadt Offenbach, Amt für Stadtplanung, Verkehrs- und Baumanagement, Stadtrat Paul-Gerhard Weiß, Benjamin Gorol
Lead • HfG: Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler, Prof. Peter Eckart,
Team • Dipl.-Des. Janina Albrecht, B.A. Amelie Ikas
Status • completed, continued in phase 2
Duration • 07/2020 – 03/2021 (following phase 2, 2021-2024)
Additional cooperation partners • Stadtwerke Offenbach, Offenbacher Verkehrs-Betriebe (OVB), Nahverkehr in Offenbach (NiO), Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Offenbach
Funding • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Funding measure “MobilitätsWerkStadt 2025”)