LINE 39 – Pandemic and local transport

LINE 39 is a design that originated in the seminar “…now what!?”, dealing with the topic of “crises”.

The design was developed examining the use of local public transport systems during the Covid-19 pandemic. LINE 39 consists of interactive dynamic light beams, which are projected onto station platforms to help passengers maintain the right protective distance from each other. The dynamic line grid reacts to all persons on the platform and curves around each person at a distance of 1.5 metres. The design communicates distance and thus helps people keep distance in mind. Passengers are given not only early warnings but also information on how best to protect themselves. Line 39 thus contributes to (re)building people’s confidence in public transport systems while also making them feel safer.

Type of project • Student project
Student • Annika Storch
Supervisors • Prof. Peter Eckart, Dipl.-Des. Julian Schwarze
Status • completed
Duration • 04/2020 – 07/2020


Publications about the project

Anna-Lena Moeckl, Julian Schwarze, Peter Eckart, Kai Vöckler

Practice-Led Design Research (I): Configuring Transit Settings in Public Transportation

In: K. Vöckler, P. Eckart, M. Knöll, M. Lanzendorf (Hg.): Mobility Design - Shaping Future Mobiliy, Vol. 2: Research, Berlin 2023, pp. 108-119

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