(c) Lisa Bartz

Superblock Offenbach-Nordend


The city of Offenbach has set itself climate targets. The 2021-2026 coalition agreement of the ruling traffic light coalition provides for the “establishment of open superblocks (sustainable, traffic-calmed urban quarter) to be tested on the basis of pilot projects”. A citizens’ initiative has taken this as an opportunity to draw up a study on Offenbach’s Nordend district to test the feasibility of such a project.
In cooperation with the citizens’ initiative, students at the HfG Offenbach University of Art and Design developed a superblock concept for Offenbach’s Nordend in a seminar led by Kai Vöckler. Based on the reorganization of traffic, the modal filters (structural obstacles that influence traffic) were to be designed, such as bollards. At the same time, design options should be formulated and tested to improve the quality of life in the outdoor spaces and streets. Road and path markings also play a major role in influencing the forms of use. Following the seminar, test designs are planned on site, with the involvement of residents. The concepts and designs presented here will be further developed into an overall concept.
In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Follmann, Traffic Engineering, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and Prof. Peter Eckart, Integrating Design, HfG Offenbach.


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