Cycle Streets Offenbach

The concept of cycle streets offers the possibility to completely reconceive the street space from one façade to the other. Within these streets, cycle traffic takes precedence over motorized traffic. The goal is a barrier-free, inclusive infrastructure that gives due consideration to everyone who moves along the street, spends time there, or lives there. The dominance of the car is opposed by a concept that integrates all users and reanimates the street as a public space.

The design refers to residential streets that are open to car traffic. The test route in Offenbach was analysed with regard to the allocation of traffic space, modal split, equitable allocation of space as well as traffic volume and speeds. The concept NOW shows solutions for a cost-effective implementation within the framework of political acceptance and short-term realisation. In addition, two further concepts, FLOW and SHARED, have been developed that represent more far-reaching interventions in the status quo.

The concept NOW has been developed in connection with social science surveys: As part of “Bike Offenbach”, a project of the OPG Offenbacher Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft, the network of cycle streets in Offenbach was to be expanded. After setting up a test route, the mobility research group at the Goethe University in Frankfurt included various designs for comparison in their questionnaire during an extensive socio-scientific survey of residents. Finally, elements of the NOW concept were implemented on all Offenbach cycle streets, such as the blue dooring zone, which indicates the swinging area of the doors of parked cars, which is dangerous for cyclists, and the marking of the cycle street at the beginning and end by red, diagonal transitional markings and new pictograms.

Type of project • Research project, Applied project
General management • OPG – Offenbacher Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft
Lead • HfG: Prof. Peter Eckart, Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler, Dipl.-Des. Janina Albrecht
Team • HfG: Dipl.-Des. Anna-Lena Moeckl, Dipl.-Des. Julian Schwarze, Beatrice Bianchini, Greta Hohmann
Status • completed
Duration • 10/2018 – 07/2019
Cooperation • AG Mobilitätsforschung an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Additional cooperation partners • Radverkehr-Konzept Frankfurt; Schüßler-Plan Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH
Funding • Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit


Publications about the project

Janina Albrecht, Andreas Blitz, Peter Eckart

Cycle Streets: Encouraging Cycling through Design

In: K. Vöckler, P. Eckart, M. Knöll, M. Lanzendorf (ed.): Mobility Design - Shaping Future Mobility, Vol. 2: Research, Berlin 2023, p. 162-171

Press about the project

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Rhein-Main-Beilage)

Radprojekt im Endspurt: Offenbach – Die Stadt will das Auto zurückdrängen.

Dazu sollen auch Fahrradstraßen und Vorrecht beitragen

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Projekt Bike in Offenbach

Hier kommen neue Fahrradstraßen

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Fahrrad-Teststrecke in Offenbach

Umsetzung muss verbessert werden


Forschung zu Bike Offenbach weist hessenweit neue Wege



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