Annika Storch is a product designer and research associate at the HfG Offenbach University of Art and Design. She has been working at the OIMD on various research projects since 2022. Among other things, she is playing a key role in the “Train Station of the Future” project commissioned by the German Centre for Rail Traffic Research at the Federal Railway Authority. As part of this, she conducted immersive VR studies to simulate and analyze future mobility spaces. Together with other colleagues, she has launched the “Immersity Lab” project, funded by the Hessian Ministry for Digitalization and Innovation. In the interdisciplinary project team, she is dedicated to researching the correlation of qualitative interviews and eye-tracking data in order to standardize and optimize the evaluation of virtual reality simulations.
In addition to her research work, she teaches in the field of urban design and supervises student projects that deal with the integration and redesign of mobility systems. As part of her qualification project, she is dedicated to transferring scientific research results into teaching, using innovative low-threshold approaches.
Her work is characterized by the combination of design and computer science. With this expertise, she works at an important interface between theory and practice, particularly in the use of virtual reality to analyze user behavior and design future mobility solutions.
Projects at OIMD:
Teaching area of Urban Design at the HfG Offenbach University of Art and Design
Interview “Mobilitätsdesign – Gut bedeutet unsichtbar”, Teil 1 und Teil 2